Wednesday 11 July 2012

Hematoma Nails Diseases

A Hematoma is the result of trauma to the nail plate.  It can happen from simply trapping your finger or toe in the car door to friction from  improperly fitting or 'too-tight' shoes, to a sports related injury.  A hammer does a pretty good job at causing a hematoma as well!  The nail bed will bleed due to this trauma, and the blood is trapped between the nail bed and the nail plate.  A hematoma may also indicate a fractured bone.  Many people who participate in sports activities experience hematoma because of the constant friction from the shoes against the toenails.  Hematoma may result in nail plate separation and infection because the blood can attract fungi and bacteria.  If several days have passed and the blood clot becomes painful, the nail plate may require removal so the nail bed can be cleansed.

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